
Young Writers Society

Nano 2023: Snoink's Stuff (aka The Golden Mermaid)

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Wed Oct 18, 2023 2:22 am
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Snoink says...


Last Nano I wrote the beginning of The Last Conqueror. This time... I'M WRITING THE END.


It shouldn't be 50k words but that's OKAY because I also have another project that I've been dying to write.

You know how there's been a bunch of novelizations of fairy tales lately???


A NOVELIZATION OF (wait for it)


It is a fabulous fairy tale that might possibly be my favorite fairy tale of all time and that's SAYING something because I am a huge fan of the swan maiden stories. Honestly, I ripped off a huge chunk of it with Book 3 because I loved it so much. But, I want to give it a full treatment because it is the best fairy tale ever and I've always wanted to read a novelization of it but I've never seen it available. SO THIS NEEDS TO HAPPEN.

It features...

A hero! Who was the youngest son and always lived in the shadows of his brothers and is basically underestimated forever.

When a mysterious golden bird begins to pick off the golden apples on his father's beloved tree, his father sends off his eldest son... and when that doesn't work, he sends off his second son... and when that doesn't work, the third son volunteers. At first, his search is for the golden apples is... WAIT FOR IT... fruitless... but when he finds a talking wolf who offers to help him, the talking wolf leads him on the adventure of a lifetime. It is an EPIC story and I can't wait to give it the full treatment.
Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

Moth and Myth <- My comic! :D

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Sat Oct 21, 2023 9:32 pm
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Snoink says...

Okay... gonna do the character questionnaire for Tristian, lol.

Name: Prince Tristian

Age: 19

Height: 6'1"

Eye colour: Gray

Physical appearance: Tall, dark, and handsome. When he's at the palace, he is totally a hottie and he is absolutely insufferable about it. When he's not at the palace, he assumes that because he is handsome he should get his way and is legitimately surprised when that doesn't happen because he's a doofus and utterly spoiled (though, he doesn't realize he's spoiled... he's just a prince!)

Strange or unique physical attributes: He has a front chipped tooth that his brother Jasper gave him when they were kids that he is slightly self-conscious about.

Favourite clothing style/outfit: Princely stuff that makes him hot, lol. Normally, he'll wear a tunic, tight pants, some fancy shoes, lots of jewelry, a very fancy hat when he's out and about, and a cloak that looks very sweeping and fancy. Everything has to have fancy trim and embroidery, otherwise it's too plain. He is a little foppish...

Where do they live? What is it like there? -- Um. In a magical kingdom which has a forest with big mysterious trees nearby an ocean?

Defining gestures/movements: He will beckon and glare and is not very good at doing polite gestures, like bowing or whatever unless he feels like he needs to.

Things about their appearance they would most like to change: The chipped tooth, definitely. It makes him not want to give out wide smiles.

Speaking style: Overly elegant to the point of ridiculous (and yes, this is me going ALL OUT for word count, lol).

Pet peeves: Anybody who treats him with anything less than the respect that he DESERVES is gonna be on his list, lol.

Fondest memory: Sitting with his mother as a boy in the sitting room next to the garden and watching her weave.

Hobbies/interests: Uh... he starts off making people do everything for him, so not many hobbies... he is Prince Soft Hands, lol. But he has learned a thing or two about diplomacy from making people do things for him, haha.

Special skills/abilities: He knows a lot about nature from his mother.

Insecurities: Being seen as unworthy.

Quirks/eccentricities: I mean. He IS a walking quirk, lol.

Temperament: Um... he's kind of a doofus at first, really.

Negative traits: See above.

Things that upset them: Being treated with disrespect. Not having nice things.

Things that embarrass them: People making fun of his appearance.

This character is highly opinionated about: Clothes, lol.

Any phobias? At first, he thinks he is completely fearless. But really, he's terrified of his brothers.

Things that make them happy: He really likes animals and gets a special joy from them. While he is distressed by the bird eating the fruit, he still doesn't want any bad to happen to the bird, which he sees stealing one of the pieces of fruit. Also, he's really into fashion and appreciates women's arts -- even though most people think it's ridiculous.

Family (describe): He is kind of scared of his father, the king, though he doesn't understand why because the king honestly doesn't care about him, since he's only the youngest son and thus the king treats him like he doesn't exist. His two older brothers, Reuben and Jasper, also scare him because they are rough and burly and would beat him up if they cared (though they don't care about him). His mother is dead. She is the one who cared for the fruit tree, which is why it's so devastating when the fruit is taken away.

Deepest, darkest secret: He is so foppish and overly pretentious and also insufferable because he is desperately seeking validation for existing and finds comfort in being superficial things because he's terrified that deep down, he's not good enough for anyone.

Reason they have kept this secret for so long: Because he doesn't want anybody to confirm his deepest fear.

Other people's opinions of this character: Most people think he's superficial, whiny, and insufferable. They are also probably right. His brothers think he's a waste of space and will never amount to anything.

Favourite bands/songs/types of music: He likes the epic songs and ballads about heroes facing trials and tribultations.

Favourite movies: No movies back then...

Favourite TV shows: No TV back then...

Favourite books: Some crazy books about chivalry, probably, lol.

Favourite foods: Roasted quail and rice.

Favourite sports/sports teams: Jousting, but mostly just for watching.

Political views: He sides with the king.

Religion/philosophy of life: Honestly, he is kind of live and let live.

Physical health: Pretty good at first...

Dream holiday: Going off to seek his fortune!

Description of their house: GRAND

Description of their room: PRINCELY

Any pets? ...well, he meets this wolf...

Best thing that has ever happened to this character: The bird comes.

Worst thing that has ever happened to this character: The bird comes.

Superstitions: He has a special pin from his mom that he wears for luck.

Three words to describe this character: Pompous, naive, unlucky

If a song played every time this character walked into a room, what song would it be? "Be Somebody" by Kings of Leon.
Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

Moth and Myth <- My comic! :D

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Wed Oct 25, 2023 2:20 am
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Carlito says...

I can't believe you're almost to the end of The Last Conqueror!!!
Also, I've never heard The Golden Mermaid but now I'm intrigued! Can't wait to see how it develops <3
It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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I want to beta read your novel!

Ask me anything. Talk to me about anything. Seriously. My PM box is always open <3

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Wed Oct 25, 2023 4:05 am
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Snoink says...

Well! If you want to read one of the versions (there are several!) here is the link... https://fairytalez.com/the-golden-mermaid/

I think my daughter has this story in the Grimm fairy tales where the animal is a fox instead, plus several other differences, so I am going to swap them out as I see fit. XD

ETA: I found Grimm's version! https://www.grimmstories.com/en/grimm_f ... olden_bird
Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

Moth and Myth <- My comic! :D

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Thu Nov 02, 2023 4:13 pm
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Snoink says...

...so, I got the blessing from Niece to start with just The Golden Mermaid instead of finishing "The Last Conqueror" and so I am doing that right now. So maybe I won't finish The Last Conqueror just yet, but whatever.

Anyway. I finished Day 1 with 2076 words.

Anyway... I thought it would be a funny story but... like... right now it's actually kind of sad??? Like, I am genuinely astonished because I thought I knew what direction things were going, but then I started to describe the golden apple tree that started off this whole mess, and... like... I feel really bad for Tristian right now.

I joked about writing about an apple tree and meeting word count... here is what I wrote:

Spoiler! :
If Prince Tristian hadn’t walked through the King’s Garden that day, nobody would have known about the bird.

Why would they? King Adrian never walked there. He was too busy running the kingdom to have time walking through a garden! Even the mere suggestion of him leisurely walking through a garden would have made him angry.

Nor did Prince Tristian’s two older brothers, Prince Reuben and Prince Jasper, ever walk through the garden. According to them, walking through gardens was something that princesses did as they languished about their future, not princes. Princes were supposed to defeat monsters and slay dragons and rescue princesses, not walk through gardens. Not unless they were saving beautiful princesses or, better yet, wooing them!

Besides, Prince Reuben would one day be king — a fact that he liked to remind Prince Tristian of at least twice a day, just in case Prince Tristian ever forgot. Which meant that Prince Reuben would have rather been killed by a horde of poisonous spiders than be caught wandering through a garden without a princess at his side. And, seeing as there seemed to be more poisonous spiders around than princesses who cared to give Prince Reuben any time of day, Prince Tristian could only conclude that it would be more likely to find his brother’s half-eaten carcass in a spider web somewhere in an ancient catacombs than to ever find him in the garden.

But Prince Tristian loved walking through the garden. It reminded him of his mother, the sweet Queen Isadora, whom he missed exceedingly. She had died five years ago after a bout of fever terrorized the kingdom and struck a third of the population dead, including the queen. It had almost killed Tristian too. He had memories of snuggling up in the arms of his mother, shivering from the fever, and thankful how hot her skin was he pressed close to her. His mother must have thought the same, for goosebumps lined her arms and she shivered just as badly. But she took him in his arms and kissed his forehead. Her last words to him were, “Tomorrow will be better, my love. Tomorrow, you will feel better.” Then Tristian had fallen asleep, only to wake up the next day with the fever gone — and his mother dead beside him.

Needless to say, that day was not a better day.

Tristian tried not to think about that terrible time though. Instead, he tried to think about the happier times when his mother was still around. She loved Tristian dearly, for he was her son that was most like her. While her other sons were more like their father, Tristian had a more sensitive soul, and she loved him for that.

In the early mornings, when his brothers were still snoring, she used to wake him up and take him to the King’s garden, which was her favorite place in their castle. There, she would teach him about all the plants that grew there. She showed him the Cook’s Corner, which was an extensive herb garden that the cook would cut from whenever he needed to flavor a dish to the King’s especially choosy flavor palette. There was a moss garden, filled with different types of mosses that she would invite Tristian to poke at and admire how soft and sumptious they felt. There was a rock garden too, which had beautiful rocks which gleamed in the sunlight — but also glowed curiously in the moonlight as well.

But his mother’s favorite place — and Prince Tristian’s favorite place by extension — was the royal orchard. And her favorite tree was a peculiar dwarf tree that barely stood as high as Tristian. And yet, every year it produced the finest golden apples that Tristian ever tasted. And the beginning of fall, when the rest of the garden began to die, the tree would bow over with delicious apples.

Whenever his mother bit into the apple, her face softened. “It tastes like home,” she would murmur, then she would tell Tristian stories about her homeland by the sea — about the beautiful orchards her old kingdom would produce, as well as all the people who would try to steal away their plentiful bounty. Then she would launch into tales of pirate invaders and armies from the inland marching in while Prince Tristian watched, spellbound.

His father, King Adrian, had been in one of those armies, Tristian knew. When his father saw his mother, standing in the ruins of what had been her home, he had stolen her away before anyone could harm her. Before anyone else could claim her.

He had rescued her.

Tristian had thought that it sounded like a terribly romantic way to stumble upon a marriage. After all, didn’t princesses want to be rescued? And yet he was surprised to see that his mother still seemed curiously sad about it nonetheless.

One time, when her voice faltered mid-story, he asked her, “Do you like it here?”

His mother only smiled at him. “It is a fine place. It has you.” Then she stroked his cheek and Tristian smiled at her touch. Then she turned to the tree and murmured, “Before I left my home, the only thing that I could grab from it was an apple. Once your father brought me to his home and married him, I had the gardeners plant all the seeds from that apple. This was the only seed which grew. And it has grown into such a tree! Though, it is a funny tree. Though it produces fruit, it does not produce any seeds.”

Then her voice faltered again and she stared at the tree in a strange way. “Boys are like apple seeds. When you see them, they are small and full of potential. And you want them so badly to grow up into who they were meant to be! When I had the gardeners plant my seeds, I hoped more than anything to have an orchard full of my homeland’s apples! But sometimes, even the best gardener cannot grow a seed into the tree. Sometimes, the seeds simply remain seeds and do not grow. Sometimes the seeds grow into saplings, but don’t grow anymore than that before they wither away. And sometimes it grows into a tree! But even then, you cannot control the tree. The trees in my homeland would tower over me! But this one is a small tree. A tree which produces luscious fruit, but no seeds…”

She turned to Tristian then and tried to smile. “When I am gone, you must promise to take care of this tree. Otherwise, it will die and there will be no golden apples left since it produces no seeds. Not unless you go back to my homeland…”
And then her voice faded away.

“When I grow up, I can take you back to your homeland,” Tristian offered. “We can go together and see the sea, and have adventures, just you and I. I’m sure Father would allow you to go with me! Then maybe we can taste the golden apples together, and perhaps bring back more seeds and plant a real orchard, just like in your homeland.”

But his mother smiled and shook his head. “No, my home is here now. You must find another companion to share your adventure with, for it will not be me. I will never see the place of my birth again! But you can go to my homeland, if you want. For you are a boy who must grow into a man. When the time comes, you must prove yourself and go on an adventure! And perhaps your path will lead you there to the land of golden apples.”

Tristian smiled at the thought.

“But until then, take care of this tree,” his mother said. “It is a special tree to me. Let no misfortune fall upon it! And I promise you that I will always look after you.”

“I will,” Tristian promised, and kissed her cheek.

And his mother was partially right. She never made it back to her homeland. She died before she could and left Tristian alone to wander the garden by himself and hide away from his brothers.

But she wasn’t there to look after him.

And when his mother died, Tristian felt as if he were a withered sapling. There were days that he would lose himself in the garden and wonder if perhaps it would have been better if he had been the one to die instead of his mother. For he was a prince, and yet he had no desire to face a monster or slay a dragon or even rescue a princess. While his brothers did all that, he was content to hide away and languish in the garden.

Nor did he want to find another companion to adventure with. Who could he go with? His father was too busy for him. His brothers called him Princess Tristiana to his face and treated him with disdain any time they met. And all the other servants were too busy scrambling around the castle to go with a boy such as him. The only person who didn’t seem to mind him was the head gardener and the head seamstress, both of whom were too elderly to go on any adventure. Otherwise, he was alone.

And so Tristian bit his tongue and did whatever princely duties that his father required. After all, it was easier not to fight his father. He took lessons in jousting and boxing and swordplay. He learned how to balance the money records, read books about the royal economy, and learned about his responsibilities as a future feudal lord and vassal of King Reuben. He learned about horseback riding and the proper rules of chivalry and learn how to properly start and finish a duel, as well as how to woo a noble lady.

Then, when he was done with all his duties, he would sneak away into the garden and tend to the plants that his mother loved. And when he went, he would always visit the apple tree that she loved so much and think of her.

For he never forgot his promise.


Like I said. I thought I was going in a particular direction, and NOPE.

(Oh well. It's Nano. Time to roll with the punches, lol.)

That apple tree is so precious to him, and now I have to write a scene where the bird eats the apples, and I know that's going to destroy Tristian's soul and AHHHH I FEEL SO BAD.

I mean, it totally fits also, because in the fairytale, the hero is thought of as stupid, so it makes sense that he is a bit of a mess right now because his heart is still heavy with grief. But... well... OH WELL. We're going this direction now, haha. Hopefully, his wolf companion brings some more light-hearted stuff in this story...

Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

Moth and Myth <- My comic! :D

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Fri Nov 03, 2023 12:50 pm
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Snoink says...

I ended Day 2 with 6157 words, which... um... is actually legitimately incredible. I am astonished.

A lot of it is really good too. I kind of want to show everyone, but nobody actually wants to read a first draft of anything, and nobody especially wants to read the first draft of a nano, so... oh well, haha. Though, I promise you that it's actually good!

My characters continue to surprise me. The three brothers remind me of the Brothers Karamazov and Tristian is the soft boi, hahah. But Jasper is clever and quick and Reuben is a bit of a brute, so there.

This was my favorite part...

Spoiler! :
Then Tristian's voice faltered and he felt ashamed. He looked up at his father, who regarded him strangely.

“Why are you upset about the tree?” his father asked quietly.

Tristian shrugged. “It is a special tree.”

“I know the story of the tree,” his father said simply. “It was I who commanded the master gardener to help your mother plant the tree. But why is it special to you?”

Tristian shrugged helplessly. “It just is.”

His father grimaced and turned away from him. Then he sighed. “You remind me of your mother sometimes. There are many things about you that remind me of her. The way you speak. Your eyes. Even the way you move. Sometimes, I feel that you are her ghost that haunts the castle.”

Tristian wasn’t sure how to respond to that, so he didn’t.

His father sighed again and stood up, glancing at the golden feather in his hands. “It is good that you want to hunt and better that you want to hunt extraordinary creatures, like the bird that you saw today. Perhaps you will find glory and fame through your skill one day! But, this is not a good prize for you to earn as your first kill. If you go after this bird, I fear that it will destroy you. Let your older brother go instead and kill the bird.”

Tristian sprang up suddenly, his face red. “You don’t think I can do it?”

“I don’t think you should do it,” his father said flatly.

“Which means you don’t think I can do it,” Tristian said, his face getting redder. When his father only regarded him silently, he said, “If you make Reuben do it instead of me, he will think of me as a weakling. He shall call me soft and Princess Tristiana and I shall never be able to live in peace again!”

“This is not a matter up for discussion,” his father said sternly.

“Why? Do you think I can’t kill the golden bird?” Tristian said, tears coming to his eyes as he spoke. “I can do it! It is only a bird. I’ve killed hundreds of birds when I’ve hunted in my lessons before. I can kill this one as well!”

His father gritted his teeth. “You can barely keep your tears in check now! You are but a boy. I tell you, you are not ready for this bird! It will destroy you if you try.” He walked to the door while Tristian watched him furiously, trying desperately not to cry. When his father opened the door he paused and turned back to Tristian. “I will talk to Reuben now. I will also notify the master gardener and let him know to expect Reuben to come at dawn instead of you.”

“But—” Tristian protested.

“It is an order,” his father said. “As your king, you will obey me.”

Tristian flinched and hated his father more than ever. In a bitter voice, he said, “So you will treat me as merely a lowly subject now and not your son?”

“If you will not listen to me as your father, then perhaps you will listen to me as your king,” his father said sternly. “Stay in here in your room! You will not be the one to kill the bird. Do you understand?”

Tristian grimaced and looked at the floor. “Yes, my king, I understand.”
Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

Moth and Myth <- My comic! :D

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Fri Nov 03, 2023 3:43 pm
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alliyah says...

You are killing it with the word count! I am jealous!

My characters continue to surprise me. The three brothers remind me of the Brothers Karamazo

Nice!! :D
you should know i am a time traveler &
there is no season as achingly temporary as now
but i have promised to return

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Fri Nov 03, 2023 5:26 pm
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Spearmint says...

Woot woot, awesome job, Snoink!! Love that snippet as well-- you know, your writing style fits perfectly for a fairy tale novelization :D (Maybe it's the phrasing? The tone? Idk, but it gives me a sense of a slightly different time period, which is super cool.) Can't wait to see your progress this NaNo!!
mint, she/her

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Sun Nov 05, 2023 12:27 am
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Snoink says...

Ahhhh, thank you @Spearmint! And yes... I write while I am nursing and cuddling with the baby, so like... I wrote a lot. O_O

Anyway, I have visitors over right now (MY PARENTS CAME TO VISIT!!!) so writing has been low, lol. Right now I am at 7506, hahah. This was basically all day 3... not sure if I can do anything more today because I have about five million dishes to do. *shrugs*
Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

Moth and Myth <- My comic! :D

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Mon Nov 06, 2023 3:01 am
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Snoink says...

Did I mention that my parents came????

Anyway, we're up to 8613. Probably not going to write any more tonight because I have five million dishes to wash, lol.

I am adding POLITICAL INTRIGUE. The two brothers both hate Tristian! :o!

Spoiler! :
“It doesn’t matter,” Jasper said dismissively. “We will not have a war! I will not fail. I will get the bird and our enemy will realize that we are strong and will not bother us anymore.”

Jasper spoke so confidently that Tristian had no doubt that he would be successful. He grinned at the thought. “Very good!” he cried. “I am sure that a sorcerer would not be able to trick you so easily!”

Jasper smiled despite himself. “Yes, you are right. My mind is stronger than Reuben’s ever was. I will not fall for simple tricks so easily.” Then he leaned forward and said in a low voice, “Then, since Reuben is gone, that means when Father dies, I will be king. And when I am king, I will clean up my court of all those who do not value me as they should.”

At his words, Tristian stepped back, suddenly afraid. “I apologized! I was wrong to attack you. I am very sorry for what I did!”

“Yes, you will be,” Jasper said coldly. Then he gave Tristian a salute. “Until next time!”

Then he turned and walked out the door.

*ominous music plays*
Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

Moth and Myth <- My comic! :D

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Mon Nov 06, 2023 5:47 am
Spearmint says...


Spoiler! :
also wait, do Reuben and Jasper die?? then the irony with Jasper talking about cleaning up his court and how Tristian will be sorry,,,, >_> XD
mint, she/her

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Mon Nov 06, 2023 1:02 pm
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Snoink says...


Spoiler! :
Not sure if you've read any version of this fairy tale, but this is definitely one of those fairy tales that the youngest son rises above his older brothers, haha. The endings vary... I still have to figure out this one, lol.
Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

Moth and Myth <- My comic! :D

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Tue Nov 07, 2023 5:42 pm
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Snoink says...

OKAY. So I didn't do any nano, BUT I did some editing of Book 2 after I got a brainwave of how to tweak a scene and I am slightly proud...

See, there is this letter that is referred to at least a half dozen times in the books, but you never see. It's just vaguely referred to throughout the series. Which was always problematic because it kind of made the character development... strange. Like, there was a stepping stone for a certain character that you completely missed and that made it really awkward for later, I think, because you didn't really get to see him at his lowest moment in the second moment.

Anyway, I WROTE (part of) THE LETTER.

Book 2 (and Book 1) spoilers ahead so click at your own peril...

Spoiler! :
So, some context...

At the Temple, Adelore hands the wrong note to the priestess when he's trying to get inside and be Alainna's helper. When Alainna sees how embarrassed the priestess seems to be upon reading the note, she gets curious... and also wonders if maybe it's a love letter since the priestess seems really embarrassed. So, while Adelore is distracted looking for the real note intended for the priestess, Alainna grabs it and reads part of it while Adelore isn't looking. So she (and, more importantly, the reader) gets a feeling of how embarrassing the letter really is.

The letter reads...

Dear Adelore,

Let me be perfectly clear about my intentions:

I do not like it when you attack Alonso. He is my son.

I do not like it when you go off to drink.

I do not like it when you end up in jail after drinking.

I do not like having to bail you out of jail when this happens.

Do you understand?

You may be angry at Alonso for humiliating you, but he wouldn’t have been able to humiliate you had you not thoroughly humiliated yourself first. You are only angry because you thought you were not able to hide it from me this time. Then, when you saw me, you realized how humiliated I was to see you in such a wretched state, and were humiliated yourself.

Let me be clear: I have always been humiliated whenever you came back to me drunk. But you were always too drunk to notice or care about my thoughts or feelings. Now that you notice my feelings, do you care?

You say that what you do doesn’t hurt anyone and so I shouldn’t care what you do. Do you still believe that pretty lie, even now?

If you persist in this behavior, I will stop caring for you entirely and cast you away to the streets. Does that sound harsh? Consider that there have been times that you have chosen to sleep in the streets rather than face me. Why should I care for anyone who would favor a gutter for company over me?

I am tired of explaining myself. You have—

And then I rewrote a bunch of parts of the scene to fit it in better... and I still have a bunch of scenes to rewrite, but the Temple stuff is rewritten and it fits so nicely!

And OMG, I am so happy with the results! It is so cool.

But... as tempting as it is to edit... maybe I should work on my nano today, seeing as I am still at 8613, lol.

Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

Moth and Myth <- My comic! :D

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Tue Nov 07, 2023 7:32 pm
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Spearmint says...

Spoiler! :
LOL wow that letter is very scathing indeed XD
mint, she/her

.--. / ... ...- -.-. .-.. / - .--. ..- .- / .--- --- ...- .--- / .--- --- .--. .-- / .--. .--- .-.. / .--- -.-- .-.. .... -

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Thu Nov 09, 2023 3:27 pm
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Snoink says...

Okay, I realized I haven't updated this thread that much lately, but... like, I think I probably got too cocky when I wrote 4k words one day, and I was like, "OH, I GOT THIS."

(Narrator: she did not have this.)

Anyway. I've been pretty exhausted as of late, with the baby and everything so that's pretty much halted much. I have... 11087 words right now.

Anyway, I've decided to write the bone-tired fatigue into the nano... XD

Spoiler! :
Tristian hadn’t ever slept outside in his life. He didn’t see the point of it. He was a prince and princes slept in castles. He had no idea why anyone would eschew the comforts of a home, especially if their home was a luxurious castle in which all their needs were waited on by an army of servants. The only exception to sleeping in a castle that he could think of was sleeping in times of war or travel, but even then he assumed that servants would bring a luxury tent for him to sleep in.

And so, when Tristian sat up in the garden during the first night, it was no problem for him to stay awake and keep watch for the bird. It was bitterly cold outside in the autumn air and he couldn’t get comfortable. Not that it mattered much. There were so many strange sounds that he couldn’t have slept if he tried.

Still, for all the strange noises, he did not hear the bird.

Then, for the second day, he stayed up most of the night. There were still strange sounds and it was bitterly cold, but after staying up all night the night before, he was exhausted and felt the pull of sleep. Still, he was able to resist it. However, by the third and fourth days, watching for the bird at night became a torture. He was so tired that his very bones hurt. By the fifth night, he could barely keep his eyes open. His face felt like it was sagging off, and he wondered if this was his body’s attempt to trick him into falling asleep. After all, if his eyelids sagged enough, perhaps Tristian would be forced to close his eyes! By the sixth night, the master gardener kept having to nudge him awake every couple of minutes, just to keep him awake.

And still there was no bird.

By the time the seventh day finally came, Tristian was feeling very wretched indeed. He could barely see straight and wondered how he was supposed to shoot a bird when he kept nodding off every couple of seconds. It sounded like a bad idea, and he began to feel secretly thankful that there was no large retinue to watch him. Otherwise, he was sure that he would accidentally shoot someone in his current state.

That morning, the master gardener dismissed Tristian for several hours so that he could to take a bath and a nap. The thought made Tristian so happy that tears came to his eyes at the very thought. After thanking the master gardener profusely, Tristian rushed into the castle, grabbed his army of servants who, upon seeing him, realized that he desperately needed a bath, and hurried up to his room. Half of his servants gave him food to eat while the other half prepared his bath, putting kettle after kettle of steaming water into his bathtub while Tristian watched, half-dazed. Then, after having a luxurious, scented bubble bath, he donned his robe and jumped — literally jumped! — into his bed, so happy was he to finally go to bed. He wrapped himself with his soft silk sheets and velvet comforter and closed his eyes.

And that’s when a knock came to his door.

Anyway, there's a bunch of cool parts coming up! Tristian is going to face the bird again! He gets to go off on a quest! He gets to meet Ally -- I MEAN -- a wise-cracking wolf companion who agrees to help him and who might also have secret magical powers. (I am going to make this wolf a male though, because it's more consistent with the fairytales and also I don't want to completely rip off Ally's character, haha. Though like. I totally am ripping off her character, lol.)

So like, I am still excited about this story -- it's just fighting the bone-crushing fatigue of not getting to sleep that's killing me right now. Like. If I could get FOUR hours of uninterrupted sleep, I would be so killing this nano right now. But. I'm not. And I have a baby to take care of who needs to eat every 2-3 hours right now because apparently he's having a growth spurt and needs to eat a lot.

Anyway, hopefully I can write a bunch today and catch up a little! If not... at least I have a cute baby? XD
Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

Moth and Myth <- My comic! :D

Never use your shield as a dinner plate, for that is when the enemy is most likely to attack.
— The KotGR Commander