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Fri May 08, 2009 2:59 am
loupgarouangel says...

Hey all! This is my first post, so i'm putting up one of my favorite works. I did this for Supernatural back in season 3, if you don't watch the show, that's ok. All you have to know is Dean sold his soul to save Sam, but now he is going to hell, and both brothers feel nothing but pain. This was inspired by the want for a summer thunderstorm, and my love for those two awesome brothers! :D


Sam was tired. He was exhausted, really—days had turned to weeks, weeks had turned to months and still he had found no way to get his brother out of the deal that would pull his soul into the depths of hell.

So now Sam sat in a chair in the run down motel room, a bottle of whiskey hanging from his fingertips as he glared through blurred vision at the puke-yellow wallpaper before him.

He wondered why people would choose such a color. It was gross and repulsive and it really made him want to leave, but that would require energy he didn’t have. It made the upper corner of his lip sneer, his brow crinkle together in displeasure as the thought of regurgitating the color crossed his mind.

Tearing his eyes to the floor, he tried to stop the depression that already blanketed his mind, but the darkness of the room that met his eyes carried him further into sorrow. He took another swig of the whiskey, its warmth bringing him no well-needed comfort.

The door opened quickly, spilling the light of the setting sun on his back before quickly closing and returning the room to its bitter darkness. He heard the footsteps, the mumbles of annoyance and concern, and for once in his life he didn’t care that his brother would be pissed at him. At least he HAD a brother to be pissed at him. That wouldn’t be possible in a few months--soon he wouldn’t have anyone.

A light flicked on, much too quickly, and although dull and yellowed, it stung his sensitive eyes.

“So, the convenience store didn’t carry any peanut m&m’s, how it’s possible to run out I’m not sure, rat bastards. But I got regular ones instead, and a twinkie for you…Why does it smell like liquor and feet in here?” Sam could hear Dean putting things away as a plastic bag crinkled, then he came into his view.

Dean caught sight of the bottle of Whiskey hanging from Sam’s fingertips, his eyebrows rose in surprise and confusion.

“O.K…that explains the liquor smell, not so much the feet though…” Dean watched Sam, when no reaction came, worry and anger began to surface.

He looked up, his neck and back aching from his hunched position, then met his brother’s angry eyes.

“Sammy, what the hell are ya doin’?” Dean’s voice was rough and tainted with anger, just like Sam knew it would be.

He always knew how his brother would react, knew what he was going to do, knew the tone he would use though sometimes Dean would throw him for a loop and leave him lost and confused. Those times seemed to be becoming more often as Dean’s time on earth shortened.

“Well, Sam, wanna explain to me why you’re drinking while we’re on a job?” Dean sat down on the bed diagonal from the chair sat in, his gaze trying to catch Sam’s.

“Because I’m done, Dean,” Sam voice rasped out, dry despite the liquid that had just trailed down his throat.

“Don’t know if you noticed, Sam, but we have yet to salt and burn us some bones, so no, we’re not quite done.” He shifted on the bed, the springs screeching in protest at his movement.

“No, Dean, I’m done…with this.” Sam looked at the dirty carpet, trying to avoid his brother’s gaze.
Dean glared at him with anger, but just below it lay sympathy and hurt.

“Oh, this is about me, is it? This is about you trying to find a way out of deal that has no way out. Sam…”

“No, Dean! Don’t tell me how I have to just stop and accept this! You’re going to Hell in a few months, Dean! Hell! The place we send demons, the place that everything terrible is compared to, the place where Dad went! Then your…your body is gonna be here, for me to burn, everything you were, it’s going to be gone and dead…just like you…”

Sam met his brother’s eyes for the first time. They were glazed with not only drunkenness, but an unbearable pain that struck Dean harder then ever before, more then he thought possible.

“Not everything, Sammy.” His voice cracked more than he’d like, glistened with the slightest hint that all he wanted to do was let his emotions go, just lay down and cry.
Sam gave him a questioning look, his brow knitted, nostrils flared and lips pressed tightly together in a look that only Sam could pull off.


“I’ll have left behind one good thing in this world, Sam…you.” Dean tore his gaze away, his feelings unsure as he continued on.

“I’m your big brother, Sam, and I’ve always tried to look out for you, teach you, make you the best you can be. When I leave this world, though, Sam, I’ll just be happy knowing you’re still in it over me, ‘cause a lot of good is gonna come from you, and this place needs it.”

They sat in silence, the last spoken sentence lingering in their minds. A tear slid down Sam’s cheek, the image of his brother dying not being able to leave his mind, the thought twisting his gut in terrible pain.

Dean looked up, his heart clenching as his brother broke down before him. He never thought when he took this deal that it would cause this much pain, this much torture. His life had been about making sure Sam stayed out of harm’s way, was never in pain or despair. It tore him apart inside that he was now the source of it, that now he was causing Sam so much grief, it made him wish he could make it all go away.

“Sam, please just…”

“I can’t, Dean…I can’t go on every day knowing you’re going to die, I have to do something. I just…I just wish I could do something…” Sam rose on unstable legs and went to grab his coat, his long legs swaying uneasily under his weight.

“Sam, where the hell are you goin’?” Dean stood and grabbed his brother’s shoulder.

“Dunno…I need to get some air.” Sam shrugged it off and leaned into the door, trying to escape the musty room.

Dean went to say something, but instead let his hand fall back to his side as he turned around, not wanting to look at his brother again. He hung his head as he heard Sam leave, a single tear sliding down his cheek. He was going to die and Sam was going to be all alone in this world. That thought itself caused more torture then any Hell could ever dream of achieving.

Sam walked down the stretch of concrete sidewalk that ran beside the motel rooms, his shoes scraped the dry surface with an uneasy shuffle. A warm breeze brushed his hair into his eyes, the soft strands drying the fresh tears that were falling.

The soft wind picked up, the scent of rain on a summer evening easing the pain in Sam’s mind. A soft creaking of an old wooden swing invited him to come and sit, and raising his gaze, he found it swaying easily at the end of the building. Sighing, he sat on the stiff wood, its rusted chains groaning in protest as he settled roughly onto it.

He looked to the sky, the sun setting off in the distance with rain clouds of reds, yellows, oranges, greens and blues all splashing lavishly around the burning orb.

He took in a deep breath, the evening air starting to clear his hazed mind, and with it the thoughts of Dean and his deal returning.

He looked to the sky, the reflection of the glorious sunset shining against his hazel eyes. He thought of God, if He was real, and how this evening seemed to be painted by the being‘s own hands.

“Don’t try and apologize with a nice sunset, it won’t work…” Sam whispered, now wishing he had the bottle of whiskey to sip from as he spoke to the force that he didn’t even know existed. The bottle would have made it more believable.

“I want to believe you’re there, but how can I when this crap happens? I just don’t understand how you can let someone like Dean, like my Dad, rot in hell when they were just trying to save someone they loved…I just…” His voice cracked and he looked back down, the tears threatening to fall once again.
Sam sat there for a while, the crickets chirping around him, tree frogs singing off in the distance and the world carrying on around him, even though he didn’t think it should.

He heard heavy footfalls nearing him, the undeniable sound of Dean’s boots against cement just as the last bit of the sun was setting behind the landscape. He didn’t look up as he felt his brother‘s presence. For a moment Dean paused, then settled next to Sam, making the swing sway uneasily beneath them.

Silence settled between them until the soft pitter patter of rain filled it, the pings of water a relief to exhausted souls.

Sam sat up slowly, leaning his back against the curve of the swing, Dean sitting next to him, staring out at the landscape before them. They sat in darkness, the pure calmness of the evening filling their minds with a sense of temporary relief. For once the anxious knives didn’t twist their guts, the hunt didn’t tear at their backs.

They swung lightly, their feet working in sync to keep the rhythm of the sway in motion. The memories of childhood misted their minds, those years ago when Dean had to do all the work because Sammy‘s legs were too short. The days when Dean had come out on evenings like this to find his teenage brother brooding because of their fathers’ style of life. They said nothing, only sat in the soft evening light that was fading away, the memories taking them to another place, a place they wished they could return to.

Lighting lit up the sky, and a distant rumble followed, the light dancing on the brothers’ eyes as they watched. Fireflies began to drift lazily from hiding, trying to avoid the large drops of rain that fell easily from the sky, some succeeding while others failed. Leaves swished in the breeze, the long field grass danced with the wind and the rain continued to gently fall.

To any passerby the scene would have seemed boring, plain and unnoticeable. Two guys, sitting on a swing, staring out at the summer thunderstorm before them without speaking.

To Sam and Dean though, it was much more then that. It was a moment in time that they had each other. It was one more minute Sam had with Dean, and those were counting down much too quickly. One more memory Dean could hold onto, one more thing he could keep tucked away forever in the back of his mind.

The brothers silently wished that this moment could last forever, that another morning would never come and that they could remain forever on this swing, enjoying the evening that surrounded them.

But wishes never came true for Winchesters.

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Wed May 13, 2009 9:08 am
Pippiedooda says...

Hello Loup! :D This was a truly brilliant piece of writing! I warn you though, I am very picky :P

It made the upper corner of his lip sneer, his brow crinkle together in displeasure as the thought of regurgitating the color crossed his mind.

I think 'crinkle' might be be better as 'crinkling' here :)

Tearing his eyes to the floor,

This sounded a bit strange to me as in general you tear your eyes away from something. Perhaps you could say something like 'tearing his eyes away from the shade to fix upon the floor' to show him pulling his gaze from the colour to the floor.

The door opened quickly, spilling the light of the setting sun on his back

I think 'on' would be better as 'onto' here.

At least he HAD a brother to be pissed at him

In YWS people are kind of picky about using caps as they draw attention to that part of the story instantly, I'd maybe change it to italics :P

Sam could hear Dean putting things away as a plastic bag crinkled, then he came into his view

It's him putting things away that is making the plastic bag crinkle so I'd maybe alter this a little bit to show that. I also think you should change 'he' or 'his' in the last part of the sentence to make clear who you are referring to. So maybe something like 'Sam could hear Dean putting things away, the plastic bag crinkling, then Dean came into his view.'

Dean caught sight of the bottle of Whiskey hanging from Sam’s fingertips, his eyebrows rose in surprise and confusion.

These are two separate actions (I'm generally not very good at picking these sort of things out sorry) so I'd either change the comma to a full stop or connect them with something like 'and'.

He looked up, his neck and back aching from his hunched position, then met his brother’s angry eyes

As you have just been talking about Dean it sounds like you are referring to him here. I'd change 'He' to 'Sam' :)

Dean sat down on the bed diagonal from the chair sat in, his gaze trying to catch Sam’s.

'from the chair sat in' sounded a bit strange, maybe 'from where Sam sat' or 'from the chair Sam sat in' would work better. You could also maybe change one of the 'sat' so you are not repeating the word, maybe 'rested' or something like that for one of them would work well?

Sam voice rasped out

's' after 'Sam' :P

This is about you trying to find a way out of deal that has no way out.

I think you need 'a' before 'deal'.

His voice cracked more than he’d like, glistened with the slightest hint that all he wanted to do was let his emotions go, just lay down and cry.

I'm not sure about 'glistened', it seemed kind of out of place here when I read it. Maybe something like 'shadowed' or 'tinged' would be more appropriate? I'm not sure but maybe 'Just to lie' would be better than 'Just lay' :)

Sam rose on unstable legs and went to grab his coat, his long legs swaying uneasily under his weight.

As you have already mentioned his legs being unstable, I'd maybe miss out the second part of this sentence altogether. Perhaps instead you could change 'went' to give more detail to his movement? For instance 'stumbled forwards' or something like that. You could always keep 'swaying uneasily' on the end as well if you wanted to.

Sam shrugged it off and leaned into the door, trying to escape the musty room.

I think 'it' should be 'him' or 'Deans hand'. When you say 'leaned into the door' is he trying to open the door? I'd maybe add something like 'to push it open' to show what he is doing as for a moment I thought he was just leaning against it.

He hung his head as he heard Sam leave, a single tear sliding down his cheek.

It's not completely necessary but it might be good here to describe the sound of him leaving, for instance 'as he heard the thunk of the door shutting behind Sam'.

his shoes scraped the dry surface with an uneasy shuffle.

As you are saying 'with an uneasy shuffle' it sounds like you are describing the sound, in which case I would not have 'uneasy' as you can't really hear an uneasy shuffle. But if you changed 'with' to 'in' this would make more sense as you would be describing the action instead :)

, the soft strands drying the fresh tears that were falling.

The soft wind picked up, the scent of rain on a summer evening easing the pain in Sam’s mind. A soft creaking of an old wooden swing

I'm not sure if the repetition of 'soft' here works, it would be good if it was three short sentences but as thy are quite long I'd maybe think about changing two to something else to better describe the surroundings.

with rain clouds of reds, yellows, oranges, greens and blues all splashing lavishly around the burning orb.

As they are not really moving I'd probably say 'splashed' instead of 'splashing'.

He looked to the sky, the reflection of the glorious sunset shining against his hazel eyes.

You have just said that he looked to the sky so I'd change the action here so you are not repeating it or just leave it out to say about the sunset again as as far as the reader knows he is still looking at it. I'd maybe change 'against' here to something like 'in' too :)

then settled next to Sam

Silence settled between them

I'd change one of the 'settled' here, maybe 'rested' or something like that would work?

Sam sat up slowly, leaning his back against the curve of the swing, Dean sitting next to him, staring out at the landscape before them.

I'd maybe separate this into two sentence, starting the second with 'Dean sat next to him'. I'd also maybe change 'landscape' as you have used it quite recently, maybe 'scene'?

Lighting lit up the sky

I think 'Lighting' should be 'Lightening' here :P

Leaves swished in the breeze, the long field grass danced with the wind and the rain continued to gently fall

You have already mentioned about the rain still falling so I'd maybe end the sentence with 'the long field grass dancing in the wind.'

Overall: This is really really good! I can't believe this is only your first post, my first posts were awful! :D I have never seen Supernatural but I kind of want to now from reading this, I think you have done brilliantly!

Most of my nitpicks were on repetition which I think cropped up quite a few times, it's just a matter of scanning back through your work and seeing where some words are used a bit too often so isn't that much to worry about ;) I'd just take care in future to spot it and see where some words could be replaced or in some cases phrases left out as they have already been mentioned.

In general I thought the writing style was great, you described each scene beautifully so that I could vividly picture what was going on. The only details missing are on how Dean and Sam look. I can see why you would have left this out as people who have already seen Supernatural will obviously know how they appear but I think you could maybe add little bits in every now and then for the readers who have not seen it. I think you did well in including Sam's eye colour when the sun is reflected in them, maybe a couple more comments like that (for instance perhaps when you say the wind is blowing his hair into his face you could give a bit more detail on what his hair is like) would paint a better picture of him :)

That's all I could spot that could be improved upon, I loved this piece! All my comments are just suggestions so feel free to ignore them if you like :P Hope I've helped! *Star*
"Your mother is a hamster and your father smells of elderberries"
-Monty Python and The Holy Grail

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Tue May 19, 2009 11:53 pm
loupgarouangel says...

Thank you very much for the review! I really appreciate it and will get to fixing those errors soon, thanks again!:D

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Sat Jul 18, 2009 2:26 am
refinedchaos13 says...

i think your story is really good. The only thing I would think to change is that just the language in which Sam says stuff, just doesn't sound like him. I could picture the whole room and the conversation, it reminded me of an episode or two, but I couldn't imagine Sam saying "Dunno" or something like that. Other than that most of his dialogue fit him well. I hope I helped, lol. :D

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Tue Jul 21, 2009 4:25 am
RoryLegend says...

First of all I love you. I LOVE SUPERNATURAL.
This was amazing.

The dialogue fit them perfectly and I could see them saying everything you put in the dialogue. Especially the humor Dean had in parts. And I love how you had Sam talking to God.

Also when you described the facial expressions that Sam was making I could totally see those faces in my head. I am a pretty avid watcher and I have read some other Supernatural fanfiction and you freakin nailed it.

I could see this whole thing in my head and I really think there should have been a scene like this in the third season. I mean there kind of was but not really. I just really enjoyed this peice and you kept me reading.

Well done I hope you write another one!

All you need is 20 seconds of insane courage, and I promise you something great will come of it.

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Wed Jul 21, 2010 9:38 pm
greenwitch94 says...

wow, awsome job!!!
it's like it's from an actual screen play of Supernatural.
by the way i love that show. Ruby is such a mulipulative BITCH!!!

Most things happen for a reason. Though, usually, the forces that be are immature enough that the reason is comedy.
— WeepingWisteria