
Young Writers Society

Love can be unexpectd espically for Callen

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Sat Oct 08, 2011 3:03 am
callenlover says...

Callen Pov

It was like any normal day at HQ all the agents were sitting at their desks waiting for Eric's whistle telling us we had a new case, no sooner had that thought entered my mind then said whistle was heard and Deeks shot up the stairs to join the awaiting Eric and Nell.

"What do you have for us Eric?" I said taking the file from him and skimming it over pretty much the usual, Marine killed and we have to fine the killer, only something stuck out at me at the very bottom. This dead Marine had a daughter, a missing one. Eric cleared his throat to get my attention; i raised an eyebrow and tossed the folder down in the middle of the table.

"This is Shannon Lambert, last night she was found dead in her apartment, neighbors called around 11 saying they could hear two people arguing, obviously the killer and our dead Marine. They heard a loud thud and Mrs. Riley who lives directly across the hall said she saw a white male mid-thirties leaving Shannon's apartment with a smirk on her face. She went to Shannon's apartment and saw her lying on the floor, she called the police and realized Averi wasn't there. She filed a missing persons report with LAPD." i gave a loud sigh and everyone turned to look at me. "You okay Callen?" Eric asked looking at me uncertainly i shook my head.

"Yeah, just tired of seeing dead bodies everywhere i go, what do we know about Averi?" Eric pulled a picture of a girl onto the screen she's pretty, dark brown hair and chocolate eyes, no older than 21. Eric again cleared his throat and then i realized i hadn't said anything since her picture appeared. "sorry." i mumbled and took a chair Kensi slid over to me.

"Averi Grace Lambert, 19 and is supposed to be attending Julliard this fall. Straight A student was a member of Drama club, Pep club, Beta and chorus, and from what i gathered everyone's friend never mean to anyone and was always willing to help others." i sighed,

"Anything else?" Eric gave me a look that said, if-you-don't-stop-I’ll-kill-you and we really didn't need to add my murder onto Shannon's but instead he nodded and pulled up YouTube and typed in Averi Lambert, about 10 videos popped up, each of her singing. "She sings" Eric rolled his eyes

"Do you know what Julliard is for Callen?" i grunted and watched as he pulled one up "This is her most recent one" i watched and was shocked by her vocal ability as well as her beauty, crap no i can't think that she's 19! Which means she's an adult, agh no! Bad thought, naughty thoughts go away!

http://youtu.be/M8uPvX2te0I (selena Gomez year without rain)

"Dang that girl has a set of pipes" Sam said smiling, i really hope he was smiling at her singing ability nit her beauty, he's married but i mean come on he's a guy, who's not gonna notice who pretty she is? "What do you want to do G?" He asked bringing me out of my own little world and back into reality.

"Let's check out the apartment, and then talk to friends, family and teachers. Find out everything you can about her plans, favorite color i don't care, ......check to see if she had a boyfriend" i really hoped she didn't but we can't rule it out, younger girls have been known to date older guys.

"Callen I’m a girl and the oldest i dated was by 2 years, you honestly think a 19 year old girl is gonna date a 30 something old guy?" i rolled my eyes. And Gave Nell a level gaze that dared her to challenge me, she did have a point though but so did i.

"If she was trying to make her mother mad she might." i said resting my weight on the arms of her chair and holding her gaze before she looked away and i gave a small chuckle and ruffled her short hair. "Alright Deeks and Kensi you check out the crime scene, Sam and I will talk to friends, family and her teachers alright?" They nodded and grabbed their jackets, i was about to walk out the door when Sam caught my arm.

"You alright G? You were a bit spacy back there." Should i tell him, he's my partner and see's right through me but i have a feeling this is one of those only i need to know kind of things.

"Yeah I’m fine, let's go." i said holding the door open for him; he looked at me a moment then shrugged and walked towards the car.

*part 2*
Kensi Pov

Deeks and i walked up to the Lambert's apartment and before we even got in i saw blood smeared all over the walls Deeks and i glanced at each other before walking in. Broken glass and overturned furniture was everywhere, Shannon Lambert had put up a heck of a fight, no trace of her daughter at all downstairs, no family photographs, it's like Shannon wanted to erase Averi from her life.

"I'm gonna check out Averi's room" Deeks nodded and i made my way up the stairs to her room, it looked like any normal teenage girl's room would, so i started looking deeper, through piles and piles of useless junk in drawers and folders, i was about ready to give up when i came across a large box full of what looked like journals, maybe this could shed some light on the missing girl. I opened the one on top to the first page

Mason's leaving today; i don't know when he'll be back, Heck i don't even know if he'll ever get back! He’s doing all this just so his father will "accept" him, he needs to wake up! His father left 10 years ago what makes him think getting himself killed is going to do? Only bring grief and sadness from his family. Not pride and Acceptance from his father.

This entry was from yesterday, no 30 something old man would want his father's acceptance if he left when he was 25! So boyfriend was out of the question, at least for murder, but did Averi get herself caught up on his business and get herself killed in the process?

"Hey Kensi, found something" I followed Deeks to the basement to another bedroom and saw all sorts of photographs of who i presumed was Mason and Averi but it wasn't. It was Marine Shannon Lambert and he brother Matthew. Deeks pulled his phone out and called Nell asking her to run Matthew. He has 2 counts for assault and 1 for domestic violence. Apparently he and Shannon had a falling out when she decided to join the Marines and he wanted custody of Averi, she said no and he went crazy threatening, and stalking her both Shannon and Averi had to move every few months because he would find them. I guess he found them again

"We gotta call G and Sam" i said pulling out my phone and dialing the all too familiar number

*with Callen and Sam*
My phone buzzed and i saw i had a new text from Kensi
Kensi: Matthew Lambert looks good for suspect
G: Bring him in

I turned my attention to two paris of feet coming down the stairs one belonging to Averi Lambert she saw our badges and looked to her friend "it's alright Meena" She said then sat in a chair across from me, "Hello Agents Callen and Hanna, Meena said you would come." I cleared my throat

"Do you have anything to tell us Averi?" She looked uncomfortable and i hoped for the love of God she hadn't set her uncle up and she had actually killed her mother. Her eyes glazed over with tears and I wanted nothing more than to take her in my arms and comfort her but then Sam would know I liked her.

"He killed my mother." I nodded and handed her a tissue she seemed so small and helpless but we both knew that was far from the truth, she had escaped time and time again from her crazy uncle that wanted custody of her, the only difference is her mother didn't make it out this time. " We were watching a movie when i heard a knock at the door, i went to open it and Uncle Matthew flung me to the side i saw him grab a knife out of his pocket and charge towards my mother, it all happened so fast. I had hid in the closet and waited untili heard Mrs. Riley leave before going to Meena's"
She was crying again and this time i put a hand around her and Sam raised an eyebrow i shrugged and led her out to our car.

"Averi!" She looked up and hid behind me the boy looked about her age, Kensi had told me she looked up her boyfriend Mason Hilton, he was involved in several ganagshooting, his father had been a mobster, i understood she was scared of him.

I walked up and slapped handcuffs on him enjoying it alot actually, Sam led Averi to the car while i dealt the Mason "we're gonna wait right here for Kensi and Deeks, you're under arrest but no way am i letting you ride with Averi."
Mason's eyes got large then small again as a smile came on his lips

"I always knew i rubbed off on you Averi, you finally kill you mother!?" He yelled after he and i punched him in the face then pulled him back up as Kensi and Deeks ran up each taking one of his arms, he smiled back at me. I just wanted to smack it off but i knew i had already crossed the line by punching him. "See you later Agent Callen." He said as Kensi put him in the car. i walked back to mine and started it, waiting for Kensi to go ahead. Averi lent forward and kissed my cheek.

"Thank you Agent Callen" I smiled and looked over my shoulder and noticed she had started to doze off i caught Sam's gaze and i put on my innocent face.

"What?" He just chuckled and shook his head, so he had figured it out, he knew i liked Averi, but did it really matter? No it just made life that much more simpler, but things were never simple in my life

*part 3*
Averi Pov

I had taken a shower and changed, now i was packing my bags, as long as Uncle Matthew hadn't been actually charged with anything it wasn't safe for me to stay here so Agent Callen offered to let me stay with him. He really was good looking but he was atleast 15 years older than me, he probably didn't like me that way anyway. I heard a gentle knocking on my door, i smiled to myself knowing who it was, funny i think about him and he shows up. "Come in."

He sat on my bed staring at me, trying to see past the mask i always wore, but i had perfected it in the past 10 years even my closest friends and family couldn't tell when i was faking. "You ready?" he asked rubbing his hands on his knees, a sign of anxiety, and infuration.

I turned towards my closet to grab some of my mother's things when i felt a pair of arms around my waist, and he kissed my temple. "I like you Averi." I smiled alittle to myself before turning around to place a gentle kiss on his lips before putting my mother's locket in my bag and facing him again.

"I like you too Callen" He smiled and led me out of the apartment and locking it before we went downstairs and met Kensi and Sam waiting for us with solemn face. Callen told me to stay put but i followed anyway, Kensi looked past him and straight towards me. "Matthew commited suicide." It wasn't like he was my favorite family memember, but he was still family. I felt my legs give way and Callen catching me.

*part 4*
Callen Pov

She fluttered her eyelashes and i was out of the chair and kneeling beside her bed. They opened fully and she smiled at me, trying obviously to hide the pain that just rushed to her head. She tried to get up but i pushed her back in the bed and kissed her. She smiled and held my hand. "I love you." i wispered. She nodded and a tear feel down her cheek, so young and so much heartbreak.

"I love you too."
Last edited by callenlover on Sun Oct 09, 2011 9:11 pm, edited 5 times in total.
accept people for who they are and even more so for who they're not

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Sun Oct 09, 2011 12:57 pm
limegreenleopard says...

It's definitely a good and orginal idea for Callen, I like it in that way. But in other ways it's actually rather mad. You haven't used a new line every time someone speaks, which makes it really confusing to read and to understand. I couldn't quite grasp the story as it was all one big chunky paragraph and the speach was hard to pick out. It made it move really fast and I think, if you slowed it down and spaced out the text and also the events, it would make alot more sense and be really quite a good story.
The idea and the context and description is pretty good.
Sometimes you haven't used capital letters and punctuation where you should though. I'm not going to pick all of them out though, as you should be able to.
As I said, love the idea, but space out your text, look at your capital letters and punctuation, and it could be really good.
An excellent start though. I hope I have helped.
Keep Writing,
~Leopard :D
Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It is already tomorrow in Australia. ~Charles Schulz

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Mon Oct 10, 2011 5:08 pm
limegreenleopard says...

Love it love it love it!
You really did what I said and it's so much easier to read now. Your work makes a lot more sense and has a good meaning to it, as well as a good beginning, middle and end. Well done, you've reallly improved it! Thumbs up! :D
callenlover wrote:It was like any normal day at HQ. All the agents were sitting at their desks waiting for Eric's whistle, telling us we had a new case. No sooner had that thought entered my mind, (I don't think you need the 'then' said whistle was heard and Deeks shot up the stairs to join the awaiting Eric and Nell.

There are still a few basic grammar things you could fix for example some of your sentances are really long, but on the whole you've really improved it and i'm very impressed.
Glad to be of help,
~Leopard :D

P>S Congratulations! It's amazing and I love it! :D
Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It is already tomorrow in Australia. ~Charles Schulz

"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves."
— William Shakespeare