
Young Writers Society

Hammer Of Thor CHPTR. 2

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Tue Nov 08, 2011 7:01 pm
IntelligentlyStupid says...

WARNING! if you have not yet read chapter one, here is a link:


Chapter II
Hell Day
The Flying Horse U.N.S.C. Destroyer
Ground Forces Deployment Level, Hanger

As the Destroyer’s hangar doors opened, two little Falcons zipped through the opening, long before it was actually opened. The comm crackled to life, and Sarge’s voice could be clearly, and unfortunately heard “And we’re off boys, take a good look at that destroyer, because it might be the last time you see it, hahahahaha.”
David shook his helmeted head, and glanced behind him at Defrock and said, “That man has a deranged sense of humour” Defrock didn’t even acknowledge him, but Ghost responded, “Yes, he does. He grew up on Harvest though, so he’s been acting this way since it got glassed. I think that it’s his way of coping. But if I were you I would take a look at it, it’s like its own little ship shaped eclipse right now.”
David took Ghosts advice, and took a parting look at the Flying Horse as his Ghost expertly maneuvered the Falcon. The
destroyer was becoming smaller, at an alarmingly fast rate, David almost commented on this before he realized that the
destroyer needed to get out of sensors range, before they were completely exposed to the Covenant forces occupying the base. A large ship, approximately the size of four large supermalls connected in series, the destroyer was basically a
modified frigate, with four meters of grade A titanium armour, instead of the average two and a-half meters. The destroyer looked like somebody had cut the grip off of a large pistol, and added two hundred small turrets to the side, and a hangar the size of one large warehouse in the back. David could just barely see the destroyer after one minute, because it was almost the size of an ant.

• • •
Thirty minutes later, they were speeding over a forest, and dodging airborne covenant mines. David thought back to his training on spotting and identifying covenant technology. These airborne mines were little bundles of fist sized plasma grenades attached to a proximity sensor. These highly explosive, glowing blue and purple, bundles, were being held up by high powered miniature deployable gravity lifts.
Then all of a sudden, just as the base had come into view, Victoria’s voice crackled to life on the comm “GHOST! Look out, that mine to your left, it’s too close!!” As Ghost attempted to maneuver the falcon away from the mine before it detected their presence and blew them out of the sky, he failed, and the mine did exactly what he didn’t want it to. It exploded, sending H.O.T. Two spiraling down to the forest. Tido and Sarge were trying to get a response out of them.
“H.O.T. Two, come in. I repeat, H.O.T. Two.” The lieutenant sighed, “It’s no use they obviously can’t hear us, their comm must have been knocked out by the explosion.”
Victoria shook her head vigorously, tinted visor shining like a beacon in the cockpit. “Sir! We have to keep trying! They might-”
“They might be alive? After an explosion like that, the chances are slim, but with Ghost as a pilot, and with all the modifications he made to that thing, the chances a two in a million, instead of one. But those are still very small odds. We are lucky that their furies did not explode. If they had, there would be a very large hole in the ground, and some O.D.S.T. atoms floating about.”
“But sir! What about U.N.S.C. Mandate four, subsection six? Never leave a soldier behind!”
“That mandate is all very well and good, but in this case it’s useless, we can’t go after them into that forest, we’d crash too. Then what about the mission? What about all the intelligence data in those computers? What happens to earth if they the information that will allow them to create Spartan class personal shields? What if they decide to implement that technology upgrade into their capital ships, they ground forces, and they’re fighters?”
Victoria sighed. “I… I guess, I didn’t think of it that way sir…”
Tido nodded. “Yeah, but when you’re an officer, in command of a group, you tend to think the way I do, especially when one of your people dies. Now get your mind back onto flying us in Victoria.”
Victoria nodded her head, and adjusted her flight helmet, and flew them on towards the base

• • •

Hell Day
Overrun Dagger base
Station Personnel Quarters

Z’E’Rack’Eth Ma’So’N looked at his squad of grunts, and pondered what to say. A Sangheili, or Elite, of thirty-two human years of age, Z’E’Rack was a Heretic, who had worked his way up the Covenant ranks, to the equivalent of Field Sergeant. Z’E’Rack took off his burnished red helm, and started speaking.
“Say your names, and swear upon what little honour you have, that what I say here, will never leave this room!”
The six Unggoy, also known as grunts, cowered, but Z’E’Rack tapped his fingers expectantly on the metal desk beside him, and after about thirty seconds, the one called Zweer responded
“Oh yes mighty one, my name is Zweer, I swear not to tell”
After a while the rest too did the same. Shmeer, Bweer, Phweer, Queer, and Tweer.
“Good. You have now given you almost worthless word. I, am a heretic”
Six gasps followed in unison, and six minds went from wondering when they got their turn at the feeding nipple, to what they had just sworn themselves into.
“D-d-d-did y-you just s-say you’re a, a heretic??????” Zweer finished his comment wish as close to a shriek as a grunt could manage, then clamped his mouth shut in case someone came by. It was lucky he decided on that course of action, because somebody did come by.
I can’t believe that this squadron has survived 4 planetary invasions, 3 space battles, and the capture of this base, with no loses, Was the thought going through Shipmaster M’T’Erack’Mor’Sourma’s mind as he opened the flimsy human made door.
“What is my favorite squad of Sangheili and Unggoy doing? Hmmm?”
As he said this, six Unggoy and one Sangheili snapped to attention, and one could swear that Z’E’Rack’s helm reappeared on his head of its own volition.
“I was just congratulating my Unggoy on their success and lack of dying abilities.” Said Z’E’Rack as he waited for M’T’Erack to turn around so he could tap his energy sword to warn the Unggoy in the room. his chance came when two Jiralhanae stumbled past pummeling each-other and pulling at a peace of meat that looked like a human stomach, even though human meat was deemed as “unclean” by the prophets Regret and Mercy.
The Shipmaster nearly ripped the door off its hinges attempting to open so he cold stop the brutes from fighting.
Queer had been contemplating breaking his word, and telling the Shipmaster, only as long he was sure that it would get him more feeding nipple privileges. Before Queer could decide, his thinking process, of which he had little to no experience using, was interrupted by an alarm broadcasting out of the communication systems of a nearby Huragok, or Engineer.
Z’E’Rack was listening on his personal communications system, and a slow grin, or as close as an alien with four lips can get, broke out on his face.
“An explosion has been detected. It would appear that a group of humans has attempted to infiltrate this base, and set off one of our airborne mines. It happened approximately five minutes ago. our squad, one other, and a pack of brutes led by,” here distaste was rather audible in his tone, “Goro Aurok.”
Bweer’s eyes opend up wide and he said, “Goro Aurok? The chieftain that single handedly led the Unggoy and the Jiralhanae to victory on Harvest?”
“Yes, that Goro Aurok. Now, the problem is that me either must find the humans first, and aid them or save them if the others find them first. Bweer, you and Shmeer will take needlers, Zweer will bring a fuelrod cannon, and Tweer and Queer will bring deployable turrets as well as needlers. I, will bring my engery sword Guro Gura, and a plasma repeater.
Last edited by IntelligentlyStupid on Thu Nov 10, 2011 6:44 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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15 Reviews

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Reviews: 15
Tue Nov 08, 2011 11:08 pm
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stevensmith05 says...

Hey i am Ste, have an uneblievable love for superheroes!
your piece really wllowed me to engage myself in a good read which is rare for me as i am not a god reader i nthe slightest. I will be off to read chapter one momenterally so i an completely understand it but good work mate.
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Chickens are honestly little dinosaurs. And they know it.
— ChieRynn