
Young Writers Society

E - Everyone

Shadow's Rising {Wing 3} Chapter 11

by dragonight9

Chapter 11

After a few hours of practicing simple commands, Lt. Keldor suggested that Jarid might be ready to control his dragon while mounted and requested Jarid do a short ride to show him how capable he was.

Jarid patted Smolder’s neck.

What now? he sighed.

They are asking me to get on your back and take a short ride around the arena.

Smolder shrugged. Well, hop up then. I’ll try to keep it slow enough for your fragile human body to handle. He teased.

Jarid had mixed feelings of amusement and longing as it reminded him of Shadow’s teasing. He went to get on Smolders back and Smolder lowered himself so Jarid could vault onto his shoulders. As he did, Jarid noticed one of the other instructors walk up to Lt. Keldor and ask something in a whisper that Jarid could barely hear.

“Are you sure sir? Not only is it rare for a student to have enough control to ride yet but this is the most rebellious dragon we’ve had in years.”

“Don’t worry. The boy can handle himself and I must admit that I’m curious as to whether he can ride yet. He seems to have a way with dragons I’ve never seen before. Intervene only if you must.”

The other instructor nodded and saluted before returning to his place.

Unfortunately, Jarid had no time to think about what was said as Lt. Keldor called up to him. “Take him on a slow walk around. Don’t go too fast and stop where you started.”

Jarid straddled Smolder’s neck just above his shoulders. He was a bit larger than Shadow, but Jarid still fit comfortably. It felt strange to be on the back of a dragon again. Especially since it wasn’t Shadow. After a few steps he also realized that he could feel what Smolder was about to do as if he himself was walking.

“Alright you can get down now.” Lt. Keldor called after they had completed their lap of the arena.

As Jarid got down off Smolder’s back it felt like their connection lessened greatly. He didn’t understand why but he knew that it was probably a result of the mind gems. He had never felt so connected, even with Shadow.

“So, how was that?” Lt. Keldor asked after Jarid dismounted.


Jarid was still in awe of the connection he had felt with Smolder. “I know this might seem weird, but it felt like he was a part of me.”

Lt. Keldor grinned before looking at the instructor who had questioned him earlier. “See? I told you he had a way with the beasts.” Then he turned back to Jarid. “What you were feeling is what we call ‘Tsunagu’ or ‘the bond’. It is basically a strong connection between rider and dragon that makes communication much faster.

“It is also a sign that you have enough control over your dragon to try flying. We’ll get you outfitted tomorrow. Then you can join those among your classmates who have also proven themselves worthy of flying.”

Jarid’s eyes widened, and he wanted to jump around and shout for joy. Instead, he restrained himself to a big smile and a salute.

“Thank you, sir. I am honored.”

The Lt. nodded and turned to go check on Airel. “Come to the training fields tomorrow at eleven o’clock sharp!” He said over his shoulder.

Jarid nodded. “Yes, sir!”

Class was almost over so he returned Smolder to his stable while sharing the exciting news. Smolder had a few words to say about being forced to wear ‘dead animal skin’ as he put it, but he didn’t refuse to wear the saddle.

After class, Black Squad met in their dorm to talk about their experiences. Ben and Ethen had similar experiences to Jarid with their dragons agreeing to cooperate. However, Airel was having a difficult time with Vapor.

“She just won’t let me control her!” she huffed, stomping in frustration.

“You shouldn’t control her any more than you control us.” Jarid replied.

“Which is quite a lot if you ask me,” Ethan muttered. Airel glared at him.

“Ugh! I know.” She said, throwing her hands up in annoyance. “But how else can I be sure she won’t bite my head off as soon as my back is turned? Even if dragons are smart that doesn’t mean one of them won’t eat me like any other animal.”

So that’s what it is. Jarid thought. She doesn’t trust dragons, and honestly, I can’t blame her. Dragons were just monsters to her a few months ago, and if I hadn’t met Shadow who knows if I would see them any different.

Jarid put a hand on Airel’s shoulder. “I get it. You can’t just tell someone that dragons are good and have them believe it. Not right away at least. They must see it for themselves. And that’s not to say all dragons are good either. There are good and bad dragons just like there are good and bad people. You must build your trust with them just like anyone else.

“If I told you to let a former assassin cook for you. Would you test the food for poison? Of course you would. Even if he would never harm you, he must build trust with you. The same goes for dragons.”

Ben put a hand on her other shoulder. “We chose to trust our dragons because we saw good in them. I hope you can find it in your heart to do the same.”

“Remember. We are here to help, and you know you can trust us.” Jarid said with a smile.

Airel tried to force a smile, but it came out more like a grimace. “I’ll try.”

“Good. Because I can’t wait to be outfitted tomorrow.” Jarid grinned as he threw an arm around her shoulder.

Ethen nodded with a glimmer in his eye. “Same here.”

The next day, when Jarid got up he decided to leave his dragon necklace in his room. If someone found it while he was being outfitted they would probably ask more than a few uncomfortable questions. It felt strange not having its comforting weight around his neck. It was like he was leaving Shadow behind again.

Don’t worry. You will always be my number one best friend. We will always be together in our hearts, he thought, trying to comfort himself.

As Jarid and the rest of black squad walked through the training field, Jarid noticed the temporary blacksmith shops making their final preparations. They were going to be crafting the armor for all the students being outfitted that day. It sent a small pang of homesickness through his chest and made him think of his last moments with his father.

They never had the best relationship ever since his mother died, but it seemed like he had been trying to be a father again during the last few days Jarid was at home. Jarid thought he would be glad to get away from everyone in the village, but now he realised that he missed the old man.

Shaking off the feeling, Jarid retrieved Smolder, but as he entered the dragon dome floor, he was stopped by Lt. Keldor.

“Good morning. I will be showing you the craftsman who will be making your armor and the saddle for your dragon. He’s a bit special since you won the honor of having your armor made from young dragon scales.”

He led Jarid back out into the field with Smolder following close behind. Jarid could feel Smolder’s excitement and desire to fly welling up inside him. He was still shackled but that didn’t stop his yearning when he saw the cold blue sky after so long underground. As he looked up at the sky Jarid tried to keep him on the path while following behind Lt. Keldor.

The Lt. led them to the last stall where a man waited, leaning on his anvil. He was a bit shorter than most, but his arms were well muscled like any smith who pounded metal for a living. He had short black hair and a scruffy beard that looked like he had just combed it for the first time in months.

“This is Dain. He is the best smith around. His dream is to one day make a famous suit of dragon armor, but most of the more elite dragon riders get their armor from the palace smiths in the capital. Still, he has been making dragon rider armor for longer than I’ve been here, and you won’t find a better smith at this academy.”

“I can talk myself you know.” Dain sighed. “So, I suppose this is the beast you’ll be riding?” He asked, gesturing to Smolder. Jarid nodded.

“Well then, I’d better get to measuring.” Dain took out a measuring string and took Jarid’s measurements. He grunted as he wrote them down. Then he moved on to Smolder.

“Can you get him to lay down nice and still for me?”

Jarid nodded. Smolder. This man needs to take measurements so he can make something that fits you. Would you please lie down and stay still for him so he can do his job? Remember, the less you move the quicker this will go.

Smolder groaned in annoyance but laid down. After a few minutes of Dain crawling around on Smolder’s back they were done.

“Alright. Move along now. I’ll have this done by tomorrow.” Dain dismissed, waving them away. Jarid was surprised. It had taken him weeks just to complete his breastplate. Dain must be a skilled craftsmen indeed.

When Jarid returned to the dragon dome there were instructors waiting. They informed him that the students would be continuing the same training as yesterday, and by the end of the day both he and Smolder were exhausted. He didn’t get to ride Smolder like he had done the day previously, but he didn’t mind. He could barely contain his excitement. Tomorrow he would get to fly again! When he got back to his room, he hung Shadow’s scale around his neck again. He hoped his brother was alright without him.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Then next day, when black squad entered the dragon dome, they found most of the second year instructors and the Red, Blue and Grey Squad leaders waiting for them. Once all the students assembled on the dome floor Lt. Keldor stepped forward. “Today we will be taking those of you we deem ready on a test flight to give you a taste of what it will be like. We will be going up two at a time with four instructors accompanying each of you in case of an accident. This is also a safe way to show off your skills and try out a few of the maneuvers you were taught in class. So be careful but don’t hold back,” he said with an encouraging smile.

“We will call the names of those we deem have enough control over their dragons currently. The rest of you will continue doing drills until you are ready. Alright. Attention!” All the students snapped to attention and Lt. Keldor started reading off a list of names.

Jarid was surprised to find he was the only one from Black Squad to be chosen. Airel just shrugged, accepting that she wasn’t ready, but Ben and Ethen seemed disappointed they were not chosen.

“Don’t worry guys.” Jarid encouraged. “They’ll recognise you soon enough.”

Ben nodded, brightening up. “Yeah. We’ll be riding high in the sky in no time.”

Jarid nodded and gave them a thumbs up as he went to join the group that would be flying. He noticed that Rilliam and his dragon were waiting nearby and joined the group as Rilliam started speaking.

“Hello everyone. For those of you who don’t know, my name is Rilliam Silvan, and I am the leader of Grey Squad. I will be inspecting your saddles as you strap them to your dragons. You’ve been helping the other dragon riders clean their saddles for two years now, so I expect no mistakes.”

Jarid found his new riding gear and Smolder’s saddle sitting just outside his cage. He took a moment to admire the craftsmanship. He had seen his father make many fine pieces, but the scales were fitted together so seamlessly and allowed for such a full range of movement he couldn’t help but be amazed. But he would have to gawk over the speed and quality of Dain’s work another time.

After putting on his new flight suite he entered Smolder’s stall and, after some grumbling and shoving, saddled him.

The others quickly finished saddling their dragons and Rilliam checked their saddles, making a few minor adjustments here and there.

Then they were taken outside where two groups of four riders waited for them. The group that was accompanying Jarid included Lt. Keldor, Rilliam and two second year instructors Jarid didn’t know. Jarid watched as a few dragon tamers took the chains off the dragon next to him.

The dragon immediately stretched its wings as if trying to knock over the tamers. Luckily the dragon tamers were ready and ducked out of the way. The rider immediately forced his dragon to bow and put a boot on its snout to make it submissive once more.

The dragon tamers came and began removing Smolder’s chains as well.

Smolder. You had better behave yourself and open your wings slowly. Jarid warned.

I know. Smolder snorted indignantly.

After the chains were removed Lt. Keldor signaled for Jarid to mount up. It was time. Soon he would be soaring through the skies once more.

Smolder knelt to help Jarid as he swung up into the saddle. Jarid closed his eyes and felt Smolder’s movements as he stretched his wings. Moving with them as he readied himself for takeoff. Both of their desire to fly was difficult to contain as they waited for the order.

“Ok. Let’s go!” Lt. Keldor shouted as he and his dragon leapt into the sky.

Jarid felt as if it was his own legs crouching down to leap into the sky. It was a strange and wonderful feeling to be one with his dragon as they leapt into the sky. He could feel his hands clutching the saddle and the air pushing him down as Smolder thrust ever higher against the chill breeze.

He saw the other dragons struggling to gain altitude but that didn’t matter. They didn’t have to wait for anyone. Jarid took a deep breath of the frigid air as it pressed into his lungs and sighed out as he closed his eyes, leaning back in the saddle in a state of bliss. Smolder fell back as well doing a slow backflip. They picked up speed in their dive and Jarid’s eyes snapped open while Smolder used the speed to glide back up again.

“Woooohoooo!” Jarid cried as the rush sent chills through his body. He couldn’t help grinning ear to ear.

We’re gonna have some fun, ok? Let’s try some of these. Jarid thought, showing Smolder memories of the maneuvers he and Shadow had done. Smolder instantly knew what to do.

He tucked one wing in as he did a dive and barrel role. Then he opened his wings like a parachute and Jarid could feel the impact as the air punched into them. Then he flew in tight circles pumping his wings as they spiraled higher and higher until they broke through a lone cloud. The air was a bit thinner, but they were so absorbed in the moment that it hardly mattered.

Smolder simply tucked in his wings and dove straight down. The speed was insane. It was like nothing Jarid had ever experienced before. He could feel his stomach rising into his throat, but he didn’t want to stop. It even annoyed him a little when they had to pull up to avoid crashing into the ground.

As they rose back into the sky Jarid felt freer than he’d ever felt before. Like the shackles chaining him to the ground had finally been lifted. There was nothing but air between him and anywhere he wanted to go.

At that same moment he felt Smolder’s longing for home ache within his own heart as he turned his head in the direction of the land of the Flame Wings. Jarid patted his neck.

I know. It won’t be long now. Just a little longer and you’ll be free.

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Sat May 11, 2024 3:27 pm
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RavenAkuma wrote a review...

Hello Again, My Friend!

It's me, Raven, and I'd like to review the next chapter in this great story using my Familiar method! Let's dive in, shall we? Heh heh heh...

What The Black Eyes See...

Ah, I was excited to see the updates to this story, and this chapter didn't disappoint in the slightest! I love the many complex issues that are covered in the characters, including excitement to progress in training, a strong sense of homesickness, and even a bit of frustration and anxiety from those less successful in making progress with their dragons. Let's get into the details though.

Where The Dagger Points...

No complaints for content! Actually, I didn't really pick up anything to put here this time. Good writing job ~

Why The Grin Widened...

So first off, as I mentioned, homesickness was definitely a recurring theme of this chapter and I thought it was not only a great way of connecting some of the characters, or reminding the reader how far Jarid has come, but just the feeling in and of itself was captured so well...

Jarid had mixed feelings of amusement and longing as it reminded him of Shadow’s teasing.

It sent a small pang of homesickness through his chest and made him think of his last moments with his father.

At that same moment he felt Smolder’s longing for home ache within his own heart as he turned his head in the direction of the land of the Flame Wings.

Not only do you describe the feeling so well in different ways, but the reminders (the open skies, the smithing station, being teased by a dragon) were greatly timed and tied well into what was currently happening, so it all just made sense and came together very nicely.

“What you were feeling is what we call ‘Tsunagu’ or ‘the bond’. It is basically a strong connection between rider and dragon that makes communication much faster.

This may be a minor detail, but I really like that there's a term for the connection between the rider and the dragon! That's cool.

“She just won’t let me control her!” she huffed, stomping in frustration.

I was fascinated by this new development between Airel and Vapor! I want to say it's strange that she's suddenly making backward progress and trying to control Vapor instead of working with her, but when I think about it, it's actually really understandable --even relatable-- for things to look different going from just talking about/to a dragon, to trying to ride it and trust it with your life (only by relatable, I mean I've seen this "switch" happen with horses, I can only imagine what it would be like with a dragon lol). Anyway, I really like the sense of realistic conflict here, and not only does it create a new goal for Vapor and Airel, but Jarid's reasoning with the situation is great, and so is Black Squad's support.

Jarid could feel Smolder’s excitement and desire to fly welling up inside him. He was still shackled but that didn’t stop his yearning when he saw the cold blue sky after so long underground.

Great detail here!! Smolder being excited and eager to stretch his wings and fly again is -again- understandable, and I feel like this could be a great way for him and Jarid to bond. As well as the homesickness they're both feeling, I have a lot of hope for their characters and a stronger tsunagu, haha.

Finally, zooming out a bit, I like the pacing of this chapter; taking the time with these smaller tests, introducing a blacksmith, getting armor/saddle measurements, and reading the pointers and cues from the instructors, I feel it's a great way to avoid just throwing a bunch of action at us at once, and it also builds a lot of anticipation. Like, when you finally read Jarid and Smolder finally taking off on their first flight, there's something more satisfying about it after all that buildup. I've been noticing a lot of writers (me included lol) have concerns about pacing, so I thought I throw that in here.

Our Mad Thoughts...

Overall, that chapter was great in every way! Nicely done! :D


dragonight9 says...

I am so glad as I wanted to use this chapter as a kind of calm moment between the intense action, though I actually didn't realise how much homesickness was a theme in it.
I want to get Jarid and Smolder's relationship back on track but at the same time I don't want to just say "oh, over a few days they just worked it out."
Thanks so much for the comment on pacing because it's honestly hard as a writer to tell if I'm pacing it well since the chapters take so long to write in between.

— alliyah